Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Embracing Where You Are While You Are There.


"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." – Buddha

This is concept I tend to struggle with.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in planning for the future that you forget to live in the present moment, particularly in times of transition.  I am currently in perhaps one of the greatest stages of transition that I may ever be in.  I am giving up a stable career, a comfortable home and moving away from friends and family to embark on an uncertain journey that will forever change my course in life.

It is in these moments where I get so caught up in what I need to do to prepare for this future journey that I often have to remind myself to participate fully in today. To enjoy my current surroundings; to be totally present with my friends, family, colleagues and even strangers when I am spending time with them; to not getting too hung up on all of the things I need to do to prepare for this future; to enjoy today.

Most people would say that going back to school to pursue an MBA is not that crazy.  In fact, most people would say that this is a completely normal, functional thing for someone to do at this stage in their life.  They would be right.  But to me, getting my MBA is not about going back to school.  It's not about the piece of paper I will get in the end.  It's not about a cushy job on the other side. (Don't get me wrong, I intend to make a fantastic career for myself - more on that another day.)  But to me it's about the experiences and people I will meet along the way.  It's about the inspiration I will find and the ability to turn that inspiration into practical applications that, with any luck, will make a positive impact on the world; maybe not for everyone, but hopefully for someone.  Don't get me wrong I am not an idealist.  In fact I would more accurately describe myself as a Capitalist, just a Conscientious Capitalist (no I have not read the book, but maybe I should. I do shop a Whole Foods!).

Anyway, this is why I chose to go to Thunderbird School of Global Management.  In addition to knowing I will get an excellent education, the values of the school align with mine and the school emphasizes this with the experiences and opportunities that they have built the program from and create an atmosphere of true global collaboration.

Getting back to my point, and getting back to today, the future is distracting, and while it should not be ignored, we must remind ourselves that today must take precedent. 

As I prepare for this journey I need to think about the future.  Let's be real, I had to plan to get to this point, and now I have to sell all of my furniture, pack, go to the dentist, buy plane tickets, repaint my apartment, etc.  All of these things require forethought.  But today, I looked up on my walk to work - I won't get to see things like the Washington Monument on a regular basis pretty soon (even covered in scaffolding) - I went to lunch with a friend and made sure to be 100% present with her in that moment, and in about an hour, when I leave my office and head off to a dinner with colleagues and other industry professionals I will embrace this opportunity and not allow myself to dwell on the things that I am worried I will run out of time to do - like pack.

Mantra: Enjoy the moment you are in.  Enjoy today.

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